Monday, August 06, 2007


כ"א באב תשס"ז

I dreamt.

First, from the room I am currently occupying, I captured and put outside a flying bat-like creature that had been sent to me through the closet. It had landed on the western wall of my room. I scooped it up off the wall with some sort of vessel and put it outside the door of the house.

Second, from my room when I was a little girl, I gave refuge to and healed a small group of elephant-like creatures who had been experimented on. The experimenters tried to retrieve the creatures from me, but I protected them.

Third, I was an angel. Two other angels found me, and in our meeting to converse with them angel to angel, I revealed myself to be an angel. The two had a message for me. Other angels were looking for me. I was a very important angel - not the angel Gavriel or Michael or any other angel of some other name. I was not "possessed" by an angel. I, myself, was an angel. I was an angel in my own right, by no other name but my own. The other angels critically needed my help. So, I revealed myself to be the angel they were looking for. The two angels told me to expect more angel visits, now that they had found me. Time was critical.

I woke up.


Anonymous said...

Is it possible to be possessed by an angel?

Lori said...

No. Human beings have free will.

Dare to be true to yourself.