Monday, September 03, 2007

Aleph, Etzel & The Magic Chanukah Oil

כ" באלול תשס"ז

I dreamt.

It was medieval times. A small ship of young non-military soldiers was on its way to help those on land, but as the ship came nearer the land, it was met with military resistance sent out by some on shore. There was some sort of civil war occuring on land and these who had come to help the entire people were being fired upon. The ship had also been boarded - there was some hand-to-hand combat occuring as well.

The battle was ferocious and those in the ship knew their situation was critical. They would all die if they didn't have some help soon, very soon. A flare sent from one group of those on land was seen in the sky over the ship. One young soldier fighting for his life felt hope at seeing this flare. He thought help was on the way. Those on land knew they were here and were coming to help them, he was thinking.

I felt sick feeling this soldier's hope and seeing the hope in his eyes. I followed the thread of hope to see where it led.

It led to a powerful witch - the lover of the soldier's commander. She was a bad witch. The relationship between the commander and she was not healthy. It was obsessive in a bad way. She and he together were malignantly sociopathic, singularly focused on taking from one another without regard to any consequences. She didn't care about the impending doom shadowing over those under her lover's charge. She was entirely selfish, even with her lover. They both took from one another. And even though the energy generated between them was extremely powerful, it was misdirected. And somehow, that energy was the source for what was happening to the young soldiers on the ship. They would allow the soldiers to perish to satisfy themselves.

The witch had brought a gift for her lover - a vial containing a rare primordial one-of-a-kind magic oil. There was no other in existence like it. The witch had found it. She was bringing it to her lover in exchange for satisfaction. Now.

Despite that her lover had a responsibility to those soldiers on the ship. She was evil. And he was evil. Now.

I was sick. I'm not sure, but I may have momentarily penetrated into what I was observing, to hide the vial of oil from the two before before I woke up, so neither one of them could find it to use it.

I woke up.

This dream pertains to the event described in this post at DovBear by Jameel, Refusing Orders (see my comments to it also).

I am connected through my chotimah (aleph of emunah) to the 16 unarmed Jewish Etzel soldiers who died that day (as described in Refusing Orders).

The connection to "medieval" times is found in the gematria of aleph (with a value of 1000) X 16 (the number of unarmed soldiers who perished) = 1600.

The vial of magic primordial oil in my dream is the pure miracle oil of the Chanukah story.

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