Thursday, September 27, 2007

Al Ananei Shmaya

ט"ז בתשרי תשס"ח

I dreamt.

I was being taught one-to-one very important information about the "kinds" (like "overspecies") of clouds. As I watched, different classes of clouds would be "called up". The clouds were "alive" with the collective consciousness of the universes.

At each call, each class of clouds would come before my teacher and I. As they came before us, my teacher would give over to me all the laws governing each cloud class, detailing everything there was to know and understand about it. All the mass of clouds within each class then rose up to very edge of All levels of existence to receive from beyond the square-like sparkling pure gold-rimmed hole in the center of All and cycled back into being.

Beyond the All with a hole in its top, I could see that it was not dark. Nor was it light. It was not nothing, but it was not something either. It didn't exist, but clearly it didn't not exist either, as I perceived yet did not perceive it concretely. Even in the dream, I knew the "identity" of that beyond the square-like sparkling gold-rimmed hole was Ein Sof. My teacher did not tell me, but I knew it.

As I decided I knew it, my teacher silently emphasized the importance of the information he was transmitting to me. I silently acknowledged that I understood. My teacher silently acknowledged he understood.

I woke up.

This dream about the clouds of heaven (ananei shmaya), transmitting tradition and Ein Sof is connected to my earlier entries concerning Ani, Anu and my name Ann:

Mesirut Nefesh Of The Goat For Azazel
Bringing Down Divine Knowledge

Related poem on my musical website:

D'Bir, Holy Of Holies

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