Friday, September 21, 2007

Mabon & The Shema

Repost slightly modified from August 12, 2007.

ט' בתשרי תשס"ח

In addition to the High Holy Days of Judaism, the Jewitch's Celtic festival of Mabon also occurs in September (21-23). Astronomical Mabon (the autumnal equinox) this year occurs on September 23rd in my location. It is believed that the name of the festival is derived from the figure Mabon ap Modron of Welsh mythology.

However it may or may not have been derived, transliterated into Hebrew, mabon means "from בון". In turn, the shoresh בון means to "mediate" and to be "in between" two distinctly separate entities. In other words, it stands like Binah, as a Unity of complex Plurality, in Malchut. שמע From such is True Understanding built.

Thus, the festival of Mabon is reishit, a Gate of Unity and Emunah, mystically embodying the Shema in its purpose - to unify plurality, making a Dwelling for the Divine in this lowest world of reality.

ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד

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