Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Tunnel Through The Sea

ט"ז בניסן תשס"ז

This morning, I dreamt.

My "brother" (not my actual brother, but I knew he was a "mystical" brother in the dream) and I were transported like twins to a high mystical mountain in an icy, glacial enchanted place. Many kinds of ethereal creatures inhabited the icy world to which we were flown upon the "wings" of magician. We saw these creatures as we flew beyond the ridges and icecap of the mountain.

We arrived at a place inhabited by magickal humans. There we were kept among other X-men-like captives for scientific evaluation and experimentation. We were housed in a wooden cabin-like place. It wasn't an uncomfortable dwelling. The room we were deposited into was warm and cozy, actually. There may have even been a hearth and fireplace in the central "living room", even though the initial room we encountered was quite bare but softly well lit.

The next thing I remember, although there was more to the dream than this, I was facing an open tunnel worming through a sea which filled everyplace before me.

I woke up.

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