Wednesday, April 18, 2007


א' באייר תשס"ז

Seventh tarot reading on myself using my standard procedure and spread.

Planetary hour: moon
Moon: waxing crescent 4% full
Sefirah: chesed of gevurah, using Gra array
Mood: mildly depressed initially, lifted with the reading

S/Q: two of swords (armed peace)

P1 - knight of swords
P2 - six of pentacles
P3 - four of pentacles
P4 - two of cups
P5 - three of pentacles
P6 - three of swords
P7 - seven of swords
P8 - Judgment, The Sleepers, letter reish ר
P9 - Sun, Llew Llaw Gyffes, letter kuf ק
P10 - king of wands

Using the Gra sefirotic array, P8 and P9 correspond to hod and yesod, respectively.

The word רק is found in Bereshit 6:5, where the Divine came down and saw "surely" or "only". The Divine Seeing which comes down from Kadmon through the major arcana observes from the perspective of hod. The judgment for me from hod flows into yesod in the P9 position. That judgment is described by the Sun tarot card and the letter kuf.

Sun: triumph, success, security, growth, well-being, nourishment, rejuvenation, bounty after trials, blossoming energy and rebirth.

Kuf: kedushah, "expropriation of transcendent Divine lifeforce by the material realm" (Inner Dimension), laughter.

Outcome of the matter: overcoming disadvantaged beginning to reach satisfaction and quality of life, influential contribution to the arts/sciences/life.

Thank Goddess. So mote it be. אמן

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