Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hatafah, Bringing It Down

כ"ג בניסן תשס"ז

Waking from this morning's dream, I had a vision in my mind of a drop (taf) of water dropping onto a large dark still body of water (chochmah) and sending out ripples from the point of impact. In the dream, there was an "I" (the observing axis of self-consciousness), a woman ("I" in the third person, representing self-nullfication or bitul, the inner dimension of chochmah) and a baby. Both "baby" (from the dream) and "drop" (from the vision following the dream) are described in Hebrew by the word "taf".

R' Yitzchak Ginsburgh writes regarding taf and prophecy:

The source of the word for infant, taf, is one of the words that is used for "prophecy," hatafah. This means "to bring something down, drop by drop." Prophecy, or Divine Spirit, seeps down, drop by drop, from a source which is infinitely super-rational.

Consequently, my dream indicates that what is being brought down against mega forces acting to prevent and destroy it, is prophecy. But, all my children, the baby (prophetic insight), the woman and "I" are all safe and guarded.

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