Thursday, April 12, 2007

Nadav & Avihu - The Danger Of Conformity

כ"ה בניסן תשס"ז

In this week's parsha (Shmini) we read about the deaths of Nadav (נדב) and Avihu (אביהוא). Most commentaries link the deaths of these two to bringing an unauthorized incense offering. Here's my simple take on it.

The name Nadav is from the shoresh נדב meaning "being free and independent", "patron" and "giver". The name Avihu is from the shoresh אבה meaning "submit to an existing demand", "conforming and agreeing to the wishes of others", "acceding to a demand", and "a poor person submitting to a debtor". [1]

Clearly then, the relevant relationship between these two emerges. Nadav and Avihu were not equals. One could suggest that Nadav exploited Avihu and Avihu submitted to the exploitation. In other words, Avihu conformed, perhaps even against his own better judgment, to the priestly demand of Nadav. Nadav had the power of money and Avihu lacked the strength to say no to his patron's clearly ill-conceived priestly plan.

Taking all this together, we can see that neither was advanced enough spiritually to make the incense offering. Nadav exploited his economic superiority over Avihu. Avihu was weak-willed in poverty and conformed. They both perished.


[1] Etymological Dictionary Of Bibiblical Hebrew, R' Matityahu Clark

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