Monday, April 09, 2007

Birthright & Inheritance

כ"ב בניסן תשס"ז

I am still learning basic tarot. Interestingly, another meaning of the five of cups in my previous tarot reading came to me today. Importantly, the additional layer of meaning directly relates to a dream I had the morning after the tarot reading. In that dream, I met someone who bore an ancestral family name - Grunwald.

In my initial interpretation of the five of cups card, I brought down the energies of Yah and rectified chesed into malchut. Perusing tarot card meanings over the internet, I came across these additional descriptors of meaning for the five of cups card:

It is a card of loss (an ancestor, for example), but something remains over (a birthright, for example); it is a card of inheritance, patrimony, transmission, but not corresponding to expectations; generally favourable; a happy marriage; also patrimony, legacies, gifts, success in enterprise. Return of some relative who has not been seen for long.

Union, Junction, Marriage, Inheritance. Arrival, Return.

Legacy, Succession, Bequest, Gift, Donation, Dowry, Patrimony, Handing Down, Will. Tradition, Decision. Consanguinity, Blood, Family, Forbears, Ancestors, Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Uncle, Aunt, Cousin. Filiation, Extraction, Race, Lineage, Alliance. Affinity, Contact, Relationship, Connections.

Taking all this together, it can be seen that the energies guiding my tarot readings are indeed of a prophetic nature. The "information" that I was about to be visited by a spiritual ancestor or a descendent of my ancestor was contained within the spread of cards even before my intellect discovered it.

Moreover, the information also relates that the dream was a vehicle for transmitting and receiving knowledge of my inheritance and birthright. The aspects of transmission are seen in the presence of both an identified Grunwald family member and my mother. Importantly, this detail of transmission as being both through my Grunwald ancestral line and my mother testifies specifically as to the nature of and the route to receiving my Jewish heritage. The aspect of receiving is in the detail that I "ate and drank" in the dream, while both symbols of transmission communicated with one another.

Just a side note: I received my witch's crown (kelil tiferet) in the mail today.

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