Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Gra Array Of The 32 Paths

כ"ב בניסן תשס"ז

Sefirotic Array according to the Gra (Eliyahu the Gaon of Vilna). This array compliments the sixth tarot reading performed on myself.

32 Paths Of Wisdom Between The Sefirot (Sefer Yetzirah 1:2):

א 6-5
ב 4-1
ג 5-2
ד 6-3
ה 2-1
ו 3-1
ז 4-2
ח 4-3
ט 5-4
י 6-4
כ 7-5
ל 9-5
מ 8-7
נ 9-6
ס 9-7
ע 9-8
פ 8-6
צ 10-7
ק 10-8
ר 9-4
ש 3-2
ת 10-9

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