Saturday, January 17, 2009

She Who Strikes Fear

כ"ב טבת תשס"ט
Grael 23

She Who Strikes Fear

Skatha is a Welsh goddess of the Underworld. Her name means 'She Who Strikes Fear' (into birds, for example) and 'Shadow One'.

Red Branch Warriors

Patroness of blacksmiths, healing, magic, prophecy and the martial arts, Skatha is teacher to hero-warriors. Famous for invincible battle methods, the battle yell, and the 'magical leap', her students are known as 'Red Branch warriors'.

Protected Species

In interesting connection to Divine Feminine 'Skatha consciousness', at the same time I acquired my blood-red coral and gold magic earrings, I also acquired 15 natural red coral branches for my magical curios collection (Protected By Judgment). Red coral is a protected species. Note the 'golden tips' on this colonial animal, clearly my totem, made up of several individuals:

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