Friday, January 20, 2006

Parah Adumah

Dangerous Mind. The evolution of the female soul from Sarah (Sarai's pintele yid, point consciousness) to Serach (area consciousness), in its journey (line consciousness) through the fiery river dinur into the blue flame of the shepherd (vav hahipuch), is the secret of the ritual of parah adumah and of making a vessel fit for ha-moshiach. The keys are in the vowels.

Voice Of The Vowels. The hey of Sarah begins to become the chet of Serach in the revelation of one little drop of ink (unfolding the pintel yid of Sarai), from the hand of tafsaret, the soferet carrying the mesorah and spark of messianic consciousness. Through the hey of her name, Sarah Imenu functions to birth a soul from the echad of ein sof, and carries it across the barrier (the fiery river dinur) separating atzilut from beriyah. As this soul of Sarah unfolds into Serach (covering 5 generations, i.e., worlds), the hey becomes a chet (indicating both a transcendent yet immanent soul) in assiyah, the gate back into the echad of ein sof.

4 hebrew letters - from line to area, vowels & consonants
5 ogham vowels - points & lines

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