Thursday, January 12, 2006


The word chilazon is made up of two hebrew root words: chet yod lamed (enable, develop abilities, concentrate power) and zayin vav nun (sustain, satisfy); taken together, chilazon implies one able to develop and concentrate one's power to sustainly connect the spiritual world (the chet of the first root) to the physical world (the zayin of the second root). The chet is made up of 2 zayins, totalling 3 zayins and a chatoteret in the whole word. Thus, chilazon also symbolizes rectified unification of beriyah, yetzirah and assiyah - with a gate (elevated) through atzilut into ein sof. The "blood" of the chilazon is the hebrew letters, and the techelet "thread" is actualization of the abilities of Betzalel and Ohaliav.

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