Friday, January 13, 2006

Dream Master

Refuse to accept that there is no prophecy today, and advance the possibility that there is.
Liorah Chanah

Through learning to discern one's dreams, one comes to know one's inmost heart, and one step further, comes to know G-d. Through learning to separate out and transform the elements within one's heart that misdirect psycho-spiritual energy, one purifies kavanah and one's whole being. Done in awe, in pursuit of truth, with true emunah, bitachon and temimut, this purification - of the dream center (the unconscious mind in connection with the whole soul and with G-d), of the heart and of the mind - opens up one's waking experience to purified action in the world of physicality. And, not only may one's actions be pure, and done lishmah, but one's "normal" waking awareness becomes sensitive and perceptually receptive to the Divine dwelling in all physical reality, in all action and in all experience. In other words, one becomes a vessel for communication with the Divine. This is the essence of prophecy. This is the essence of a true dream master. Yesterday and tomorrow, and yes, even today. From vision of the night to prophetic communication - this is the work of the dream master.

Refuse to accept that there is no prophecy today, and advance the possibility that there is. Choose devekut with the Divine over power. This is the message of the shalshelet of Vayeshev, of Yosef's tikkun, and of Yosef's "refusal with his whole being" of the "falsehood" that constricted consciousness and its attendant desire for power over others as advanced by Potipher's wife, is all we can hope to know today. The advance of Potipher's wife represents a move toward power over others (because we can expect nothing greater in this world at this moment in time) and away from prophetic communication. Importantly, her advance represents that which is diametrically opposed to our (Rambam's) 12th principle of faith - to expect moshiach even now. Yosef turned away from power and toward messianic consciousness.

Becoming A Prophet

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