Friday, January 20, 2006

The Danger Zone

The redemptive process has 3 stages. In my life, these expressive aspects are:

point of faith (pintele yid)
line of progress (celtic ogham)
area of redemption (hebrew aleph-beit)

The vulnerable stage in achieving redemptive consciousness is the transformation between line and area consciousness. This is the danger zone.

Holy Espionage

The Danger Zone. Here is likely the place where one seeking to attain messianic redemptive consciousness will fail, and where the attempt towards a holy synthesis of tohu and tikun on the level of the akeidah will fall apart and degenerate. The key to success in this endeavor, and the key to making a holy vessel fit for messianic redemptive consciousness, can be found in the mysterious ritual of the parah adumah. This is also a secret of Serach's eternal memory.

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Dare to be true to yourself.