Friday, January 20, 2006

Thief In The Night

a day of dark shadows
it was that night
as the House of Vampires & Witches
came tumbling down
vomiting us out
stirring up hell

I dreamt. 20 Tevet 5766.

What exactly, I'll never know. Yet, as it all blew apart, I saw as it flew out. First, it revealed itself as a spark from a dark, hidden room. Then detaching and unfolding from the light, the shell staggered about like a featherless chick on shaking legs, muttering "I can't keep mending myself." It flew off, back to its planet of origin. And the spark of ha-geulah has been released.

Roots Of The Chicken Robber And HaGeulah

The chick (gimel vav zayin lamed) is a robber (gimel zayin lamed). It steals (gimel zayin lamed) and cuts off (gimel vav zayin) divine rejoicing (gimel vav lamed) in the soul.

Yet, HaGeulah (hey gimel aleph vav lamed hey) will become revealed (gimel aleph lamed) like a thief in the night. The robber that came in the night in a dream, was purged (gimel aleph lamed) through suffering. It couldn't keep mending itself, and returned to its place - taking galut with it and revealing ha-geulah.

once stricken
forgotten, exiled
from an ancient ancient land of exquisite light, sharing divine communication
where unique individuals express
a powerful art, a beautiful technology, an awesome science
a scribal tapestry, masterpieces
darkly distributing blessing into being
where bright morning stars still sing together, alive! alive!
despite handshakes between men seeking power
dealing deceptions, between many lands as history begins
against marriages by political arrangement, secretly adorned
with plans of destruction, orchestrating her execution
to usurp her place, to blot out her law, to turn the world over
yet blood speaks from the ground
witnessing, as tzionim of the deep deep night
multiply warrior beetles, a myriad myriads
black flooding the land with brilliance
remember! true love still has everything to do with it! remember!
not by power, not by might, not by political arrangement, but by only One spirit
curling through epochs, intercalating ages and times
turning the world over shadows focused
drawn together, rising up, returning on the fringes
resurrected to land of the living, reclaiming one people
out from the civilizations into which we have been swallowed

From Beyond The Sambatyon


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