Monday, May 04, 2009

The Deeper Pagan Mystery Of YHVH

י"א אייר תשס"ט
Annwn 12

According to Jewish Kabbalah, the four-letter name of God, namely YHVH (יהוה) comes from the root הוה meaning to exist, to bring into being, and to constitute.

Yet before YHVH of the Hebrew tradition there is the Goddess Iahu of pagan Sumerian tradition. Iahu in Hebrew is YAHV (יאהו), a name which translates to "his becoming". In other words, Goddess Iahu is the origin of his becoming - namely, the becoming of YHVH.

Thus, the Hebrew letters reveal the secret - the pagan Sumerian Goddess-Name Iahu is a deeper mystery and the source of the God-Name YHVH whose name means "bring into being". Importantly, from She YHVH becomes to bring into being.

In Sumerian, Iahu translates as "Exalted Dove."

Without pagan Iahu, there is no becoming of YHVH to bring into being.

Brucha at Iahu Yah Elohaynu ruach ha-olam, shehehcheyahnu vekiyimanu vehegianu lazman hazeh.

Blessed are You, Origin of all creative spirits in nature, the Great Spirit of the Universe who has kept us alive, and sustained us, and enabled us to reach this moment.


Spirit Walk Ministry said...
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Lori said...

I am a bitch as well as a witch. Don't preach at me on my blog, I will remove you.

Mystty said...

Very interesting information! I have only just started researching the ancient Canaanite/Sumerian/Babylonian (well, Near Eastern anyway) Gods and Goddesses. I haven't really studied Iahu (yet) so did not realize that about the name ... will be sure to be up all night reading everything on your site now! lol

I'm glad I found your site!


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