Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lifetime Seal Of Protection

ה' בסיון תשס"ט
Mab 5
Yesod sheb'Malchut

I dreamt two connected dreams.

The first dream was set around the lilac bush-tree. There was a small baby creature on the ground being harassed by dogs. I picked it up and held it out of harms way, protecting it from the dogs.

The second dream, I was in the back seat of a car full of people, sitting by the passenger-side door. We were heading west on the road toward home. Up ahead, we saw what looked sort of like a cloud and sort of like a sideways tornado of some sort, but it wasn't dark like a tornado. It was an odd cloudy color. What is it? we asked one another.

As we approached, we saw that there were dinosaur-like flying creatures coming out of it. The creatures included dark flying dinosaur-like dog-like creatures. They were causing chaos and killing people in the area. A plane crashed on account of the activity in the cloud.

The flying creatures coming out of the mysterious cloud were stopping people in cars and those out in the open as well - rounding people up, killing some, setting some aside to decide later whether their fate would be death or some kind of temporary slavery to the creatures before being killed. Some of the creatures could rationally think and were not uncontrollably vicious like the flying dark dog-like creatures.

Our car was stopped by one of the creatures. We were all "checked" for ID. Those with me were given temporary clearance, and not taken out the car. One of the creatures came over to me asking for my identification information. I told the creature who I was and showed it my ID. The creature then irremovably put a sticker it had had in its hand on the clothes of my chest like a medal of honor, and then pulled a second sticker off the inside car door by which I was sitting, putting the second sticker with the first sticker. The creature told me that these were stickers of lifetime personal protection - none of the creatures, including the vicious dark dog-like creatures, could harm me on account of these ID stickers. I felt that anyone with me was also protected because to harm anyone with me would be like harming me, and the creatures couldn't harm me because I had a lifetime seal of protection.

I woke up.

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