Saturday, June 24, 2006

Aleph & Kidshah Le'atid Lavo

From my previous entry, Shalshelet HaKabbalah:

A lie cannot endure without some kernel of truth supporting it.1 That kernel of truth is the shetiyah of all falsehood in malchut (and this world). Here, in this "place", truth may be separated out (recovered) from falsehood. This is a kabbalistic secret of separating challah, the mitzvah of a woman.

Traditionally, the mitzvah of challah is understood to be the rectification (tikun) of the world of chaos (tohu).

The wild country located "between" (binah) the main road and home in the previous dream represents the chaotic attribute of "wildness" (פראות). With a gematria of 687, פראות reduces to 21 (6 + 8 + 7). The 21st letter of the aleph-beit is the letter shin (ש). Consequently, the wildness (force of chaos) of the "wild country in between" represents the path of shin.

The core letter and the core of eternal kedushah (holiness) around which פראות is established and transformed is the letter א, aleph. With the physical and divine souls in unity with each other and with Hashem, through the allusion of aleph, the core kedushah of פראות is kidshah le'atid lavo, everlasting. Aleph is therefore key to transforming the power of chaos, transcending the shin of this world, uniting it with the shin of the future world, and bringing into reality Divine Shefa of everlasting kedushah.

Importantly, aleph implies equal measures of the yetzer hatov and the yetzer hara. A yetzer temimut.

Temimut - The Importance Of Being Earnest


1 Rashi on Bamidbar 13:27

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