Saturday, October 20, 2007

United Jerusalem Trilogies

ח' בחשון תשס"ח

In follow-up to my previous entry, Evolution - City, Citadel, Star, the poem Thirst, A Serpent Song, A Scorpion Tale from my musical website with a picture in it of David's citadel with a star shining over it in the City of David, making the trilogy serpent-scorpion-thirst correspond to the trilogy City of David-David's Citadel-Star of David:

emerging, deep deep
simply chaos
some sweet madness, an enigmatic surprise
setting shells free
yet wonderfully bound together
as one
with nothing of our own
empty of insight
yet curling with delight, insight
without contradiction, a perfect paradox
riveting, relentless, crazy sane
floating on the feeling
wrestling with the expression
of something essential, something true
as healing flames weave through us
intercalating moments, ever unfolding
a serpent song, a scorpion tale, of complete wellbeing
dancing brilliantly over opposite reflections
as ayins collide, releasing
wordlessly, effortlessly, naturally
a thirst
that splits the endless sea

... dare to be true to yourself ... לך לך

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Dare to be true to yourself.