Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mountains Tremble With Moon Square Mars

י' תמוז התשס"ח
Faunus 12

In follow-up to my previous entry (When All Else Falls, A Claddagh Remains), a few interesting features of my sidereal whole natal chart:

5 Stellia:

Stellium with Sun: 24Sag26 and Mer: 26Sag22 and Jup: 21Sag47
Stellium with Sun: 24Sag26 and Mer: 26Sag22 and Sat: 26Sag21
Stellium with Sun: 24Sag26 and Jup: 21Sag47 and Sat: 26Sag21
Stellium with Mer: 26Sag22 and Jup: 21Sag47 and Sat: 26Sag21
Stellium with Plu: 13Leo42 and Nod: 14Leo43 and Asc: 15Leo44

Grand Trine:

Grand Trine with Ven: 10Aqu16 and Mar: 10Gem54 and Nep: 16Lib49

Cradle of Creativity:

Cradle from Mar: 10Gem54 to Plu: 13Leo42 to Nep: 16Lib49 to Jup: 21Sag47


T-Square from Mid: 12Tau27 to Ven: 10Aqu16 and Plu: 13Leo42

Moon Square Mars:

Moon (Vir) Squ [Gem] Mars - orb: +1:47' - power: 10.88

8 astrological points in zodiac houses associated with elemental fire signs.

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Dare to be true to yourself.