Friday, April 11, 2008

Inside Out To Divine Consciousness

ז' בניסן תשס"ח
Annwyn 8

Encoding critical actions to Divine Consciousness, as described more explicitly in The Epiphany, turned inside out, שיד is the Divine Name שדי.

The 3-flamed letter shin (ש) corresponds to the active collapse of created consciousness (of Beriyah, Yetzirah and Assiyah) into the point at the base of the letter. Thus, shin corresponds to the actions of consciousness corresponding to this portion of my poem (The Epiphany):


becoming being
mashing together, collapsing into my gut
a silence

The letter yod (י) is not a mere point. Rather, the letter yod is a point with a little tail that curls around, as if it is turning inside out. Thus, the letter yod corresponds to that which breaks through into the silence as described in this portion of The Epiphany:

cutting the bursting emptiness, when
eternity into a split mo-ment
a rush of
a whirlwind
bursting full
more than I could
ever understanding at once
coming out through my insides
surrounding filling
in the closet
to hold this treasured possession
in my mind of edges
yet then
trusting and letting go
HaELeH going out
such a strange thing was this doing
I was doing
turning inside out

The letter dalet (ד) corresponds to the experience of selfless Atzilutic consciousness, attained once the self-consciousness characteristic of the created worlds "turns inside out". Thus, the letter dalet corresponds to this portion of The Epiphany:

becoming being within
one of infinite place
above without end and below without bound

Note that all three letters have a kotz (thorn, spike).

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