Saturday, March 01, 2008

My Natal Torah Portion Via Yad HaChazakah

כ'ד באדר א' תשס"ח
Keolwulf 25

My Natal Chart[1] (click for larger view).

"The ascendant of a given geographic location at a given point in time is the point on the zodiac which coincides with - i.e., is ascending over - the eastern horizon as viewed from that place and time."

The ascendant on a natal chart wheel is located where the horizontal line intersects with the left side of the wheel.

In my own natal chart, Virgo (Elul, left hand - yad hachazakah, action, pintele yid, days of reclamation) governed by Mercury is on the ascendant. Thus, communication, intellect and awareness exert considerable influence over my chart and throughout this lifetime.

From The Chassidic Dimension, Rambam states in Yad HaChazakah:

The Torah portion of Chukas begins with the laws of the Parah Adumah, the Red Heifer, whose ashes were used to ritually purify a person who had come in contact with a dead body.[2]

The Rambam states in Yad HaChazakah, Laws of Parah Adumah[3]: "Nine Parah Adumos were made from the time it was first commanded until the destruction of the Second Beis HaMikdash. Moshe made the first; Ezra the second; and seven more from the time of Ezra until the destruction of the Temple. The tenth will be made by Moshiach.


[1] Tropical Placidus natal chart. See Tropical Vs. Sidereal Astrology.

[2] Bamidbar, ch. 19

[3] Conclusion of ch. 3

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