Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tarah & The Colorless Living Light

י'ו באדר א' תשס"ח
Keolwulf 17

In follow-up to my previous entry discussing the "colorless aura", Clear Living Light, two leading ideas and one key point:

From Introduction To The Book Of Zohar

"The ten (innermost) Sefirot of the direct light have no color, but when they pass through the worlds, they acquire different colors, dress into various shells, and thus manifest before us. That is how we perceive this world."

From The Inner Dimension

"The "full spelling" of Adnut = 671. As the sefirah of malchut is often identified with targum (Aramaic, the "backside" of the Holy Tongue), the number 671 is interpreted in Kabbalah to refer to the Aramaic word for "gate," tarah (= 671). Malchut (and the power of its Divine Name Adnut) is called the gateway to enter into the mystery of the Divine sefirot, the realm of the perfectly rectified consciousness of One."

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