Saturday, February 09, 2008


ג' באדר א' תשס"ח
Keolwulf 4

In follow-up to the entry, Summoning Of The Ancestors, R. J. Stewart writes in UnderWorld Initiation:

The identifying factor of the Summoning may be defined negatively; it is not any of the above categories (displacement mediumship, seership, remembering past lives, or ritually generated imaginative magical forms).

The Summoning of the Ancestors is a distinct mode of awareness, which may incorporate certain features already described, such as apparent memories, information or prediction, but it is not a type of mediumship or seership, nor is it a product of magical images. As a general rule, it is a mode of awareness which is accessible to the seer, but not to the medium.

What, then, is the Summoning? It is a change which occurs in the blood. It is not connected to memory, yet can produce the memories of people from the distant past. Something which happens within the bloodstream enables the individual to attune to a store or body of consciousness which transcends yet includes individuality. The prime subject matter, nearest to the individual who gains this curious change of metabolism, is that of the Ancestors from the immediate and hereditary environment.

In many cases, the Summoning creates a deeply empathetic and emotional response, holding the seeds of memories of past events, often of extremely distant historical or prehistorical periods. During this early stage, the predominant memories are of difficulties, disasters, and acts of injustice upon a large scale. At a later stage, when the initial ferment has come under control, material can be selected for comprehension.

The Summoning begins in the Past, but it is not confined to the past. The development of control and selection of consciousness apprehended 'through the blood' gradually brings the flow of tuned awareness into the Present, externalizing into the seer's consciousness of real or serial time (for example, Manifest Spark Of Redemptive Magic). Finally, cognition is merged with the Inner Present, the germinal area of consciousness which holds the potential of the Future.

The ability to summon the Ancestors, once a central function of all magic and religion, develops from another magical power or mode of heightened consciousness, one which is frequently discussed and published, but which is meaningless as a solitary exercise out of its proper context - the Summoning cannot be enacted without first experiencing the Arousal of the Inner Fire.

Arousal Of The Inner Fire - Eliyahu's Cup

from a sidefolding
looking, seeing something yet not yet
like a great plain of immaterial fire and space
rolling and unfolding
like billowing waves of timewater and lava
empty of place
in it, deep deep eternal
trembling in sight of it
balancing, returning the gaze
into the folding, where I
I was, looking feeling the mind
expanding greatly
mo-ment longer
past boundaries trembling
in awe of it
the greatness and power of it
from fear and being no thing
admitting I, I looked until
I could look no
the last great drop of awesomeness
in it

Molding The Future Today - Scepter Of Selection

cell to cell, receptor to receptor
a fit communication
an exchanging interaction, immortalized, specific
naturally essential, particularly recognized
the only true selection
universally evident in the matter
with perfect complimentary
positive and negative
working completely together for good
ordering with chaos
a most functional system of defense
in the complex environment
full of simple orchestrations
a developing music into being
playing through generations and times
turning over
the epiphany of history
through her handle on blood biology

Even when in my bed, as I dwelled, sleeping in Sheol, behold, here I am ... even made in secret, curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth, darkness is a light to me ... Tehilim 139:8-15

Hineni - The Call Into Presence

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Dare to be true to yourself.