Saturday, February 16, 2008

Follow Your Bliss

י'א באדר א' תשס"ח
Keolwulf 12

I was recently asked if I could teach someone to be a Jewitch. I don't know how to teach anyone to be a Jewitch.

I don't believe such a thing can be taught, it must be discovered. Perhaps methods of exploration and discovery can be taught and learnt, but the path each of us must travel is unique. That written, here is my guidance toward someone taking the first steps on a path of exploration and discovery.

There are links to Jewitchy and Kabbalah sites on my blogs, and a link to my "library" from where one might find some books with which to start learning "about" esoteric subjects such as Jewitchery, Kabbalah, Witchcraft, Druidry and Shamanism. The spiritual development work doesn't really come from books however, it begins by being true to yourself, exploring your inner world honestly, and following your bliss. By "bliss" I don't mean that which is necessarily fun or pleasurable in the typical sense. By "bliss" I mean the profound sense of pristine inner joy that is one's own spark of godliness - it will never lie to you. Follow where it leads.

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Dare to be true to yourself.