Monday, February 25, 2008

Lion Attack In The News

כ' באדר א' תשס"ח
Keolwulf 21

Another synchronicity of my dreams with subsequent news events ... in follow-up to Saturday's entry describing my lion dream (Knesset Echad, Key Circle Of The Black Knot), Foxnews reports tonight of a lion attack on a 10-year boy, also on Saturday.

Lion Tears Off 10-Year Old Boy's Left Arm Saturday At Circus
Monday, February 25, 2008

BEIJING — A lion attacked a 10-year-old boy visiting a circus in eastern China, biting off his arm through the bars of its cage, state media said Monday.

The boy was looking at the lion Saturday at Wanfota Park in Mengcheng, a county in Anhui province, when the feline lunged and grabbed the boy with its paws, pulling the child's arm inside the cage, the Xinhua News Agency said.

"Park workers managed to pull the boy away, but his left arm had been torn away by the animal," Xinhua said.

In my dream, the lion ran circles and did not attack. In this news report, the lion which attacked was a circus lion, where a circus is called by how many "circles" it has (for example, a 3-ring circus).

Related entry - Apopsi, Anti-Psi Deflective Filtering

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