Thursday, February 07, 2008

Manifest Spark Of Redemptive Magic

ב' באדר א' תשס"ח
Keolwulf 3

An interesting synchronicity with my recent Craftwork entry, Magic Keys To Redemption, where I wrote:

I have 9 magic skeleton keys, each measuring in the range from 63.5 to 127 mm in length. Nine represents the 9 sefirot from Keter to Yesod (the lunar realm where the 9 collect). The value 63.5 represents Ateret HaYesod (the sub-lunar realm and the inner source of Malchut) and the 63-letter Divine Name which carries the Will to actualize (via the value 5) the power of rectified imagination. The value 5 represents the power of expression through 5 paths of The Law as described in the esoteric teachings of both Celtic Witchcraft (for example, the Tract of The Law of Kings as found in Brehon Law) and Jewish Kabbalah (for example, the 5 Gevurot of Da'at in Malchut). The value of 127 represents the perfect extension of all that came before into Malchut.

Yesterday and today I attended a two-day seminar-workshop for work. Each day we were given a tabbed notebook containing the learning materials from a stack of preprepared notebooks. The notebooks weren't person-specific, we were each just given one from among the stack. After the seminar was well underway the first day, I noticed that my notebook was missing tab 5. During the break I told one of the speakers that my notebook was missing tab 5, and she gave me a new notebook, with the "tab 5" material in it. She didn't want the other notebook back and told me to just keep it. Later, I discovered that even though "tab 5" was missing in the first notebook, the "tab 5" material indeed was in the notebook, subsumed under the previous tab with tab 4 material. So, now I have two notebooks with all the day 1 material. A double portion. The first notebook just needs another divider tab. I have two complete notebooks, each with a set of tab 5 material, one set revealed, one set concealed.

This is an interesting little "expressive 5" synchronicity of my "magic" with "real life", I think. More importantly perhaps, is the fact that I have done no active ritual with these 9 keys as yet other than to find and acquire them as magical tools. In other words, the keys and I have found one another, and we have established a manifesting connection. The redemptive energy the keys carry was looking for a way into expressive reality, and it found me.

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