Monday, May 22, 2006

Drawing Down Shefa

There are 7 stages of drawing down divine sustenance from the Ein Sof. ביט is the 8th vessel, which both gives and receives. In other words, it is the atarah1.

The shorashim (roots) are primarily configurations of emanation (atzilut), while "words" (derivatives of roots) are primarily configurations of creation and making2 (beriyah and asiyah, respectively). That said, there is no root ביט. There are 5 "hebrew roots" as mentioned in a previous post. The 3-letter configuration ביט (as I understand it) is not a hebrew root, or any hebrew word in my hebrew dictionary3. Moreover, in the form as it is (with a gematria of 21), it isn't a word in the Torah either4. It is, however, a novel word. As a novel word5 in the world of assiyah, it is associated with yiddish by reverse vision nonlinearly6 with the evolving 7 meanings as follows:

one, to say, sun, to be, to ask, deaf and (finally, shema and behold) dove

There are 7 levels of meaning "drawing down into" this "yiddish" word, and whether Eliezer of Worms originally meant it as a yiddish word or as merely a "novel word" of Torah is irrelevant to the fact that everything I've posted earlier stands as true with respect to patach mashiach.

There are no mistakes. There are only ways to get there.


1 Hebrew manuscript connected with R. Eleazar of Worms [published in Kabbalah:new perspectives by Moshe Idel, p.193, hebrew text on p.372].

2 Words are the expression of thought. The letter ה is the second and last letter of יה-וה, the Divine Name. ה is the letter representing beriyah and asiyah, and expression.

3 New Bantam Megiddo Hebrew-English Dictionary

4 The Spice Of Torah - Gematria, Gutman G. Locks

5 Zohar I, 8b-9a

6 Here, we can see that the 7 words are connected "nonlinearly" in the table. The table is not a haphazard arrangement of different vowel pronunciations and words; complex pattern and meaning emerge from the arrangement.

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