Thursday, May 25, 2006

Secret Of Aharon's Staff

As mentioned in the previous post, the teli (תל-י) is an awesomely chaotic creative yet destructive force when unrestrained by proper middot. In contradistinction, a talmidah (תל-מידה) chachamah has brought down and incorporated the power of the teli in "proper measure". So, in reality, the teli is just another name for the "staff" of a "new" golem; in other words, a beginning student of Sitre Torah.

Rabbi Dovid Rosenfeld writes:

The Hebrew word golem literally means an unfinished object, such as a utensil which has been shaped but not polished. (This term is more famous for the artificial humans created via kabbalistic means -- who too are not- fully-functional creatures.) Thus, our mishna is comparing the qualities of a "finished", mature scholar to one of less advanced scholarship.
teli -> golem -> talmid -> talmid chacham
mateh -> perach -> tzitz -> shkedim

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