Saturday, January 19, 2008

Raven Of The Land

י"ב בשבט תשס"ח
Imbolgen 12

Black ravens are members of the Crow family. Typically associated with terror and cruelty, ravens/crows are alternatively associated with righteousness and mercy.

Rav Fraund writes of Eliyahu's raven:

There would come a time when a righteous person would make the land dry (Eliyahu the prophet). There would be a tremendous famine in the land and the ravens would bring him food and meat.

Consequently, not only is Black Crow associated with transmutation of consciousness in esoteric Celtic Tradition, but so too is Black Crow associated with transmutation of consciousness in esoteric Jewish Tradition, where I, myself, am a tapestry of both in peaceful harmony.

Celtic Morrígan and Hebrew Lilith.

Morrígan as the guardian of Sovereignty.

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