Friday, November 16, 2007

A Bud Appeared In The Land

ז' בכסלו תשס"ח

Gladys Ruth Faulkner-Collins, daughter of Elizabeth Grunwald-Faulkner and George Samuel Faulkner, and granddaughter of Sue Turner-Grunwald and Will Grunwald was born in Rosebud, Illinois on August 5, 1915. One of her final gifts to her four daughters was to say "I love my beautiful, beautiful daughters! We've told a beautiful story, haven't we?" She was a gift we will cherish forever. She is survived by her daughters, Elizabeth Satterlee, Brenda Davis, Cheryl Taylor and Karen Bell. She also leaves behind eight grandchildren, nine great grandchildren, and eight great-great grandchildren.


A bud appeared in the Land ... Shir Hashirim 2:12 ... the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our Land.

Through my mothers are "the powers of evil annihilated" and the destruction of generations prevented. Because buds appeared in the Land.


Yes, Grandma, a very beautiful story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...and a beautiful granddaughter,

Dare to be true to yourself.