Sunday, June 13, 2010

Korach's Witch Of A Wife

א' בתמוז תש"ע
Faunus 2

Responsible Citizen's poem on the comment thread at DovBear:

Now Korach was a good man
He always did what's right
But Moshe tried to rule him
And so he picked a fight.

He wanted to go back to Mitzrayim
That ancient happy land,
And so Hashem punched him
And he was swallowed in the sand!

My poetic response to Responsible Citizen:

Now Korach was a good man
He always did what's right
But Moshe tried to rule him
And so he picked a fight.

Now Korach's wife was a wicked woman
Her magic is the best
Moshe cannot rule her
At any time, in any test
Even as the tides of His story turns
She writes Her story's Purimfest.

Related entry - Korach's Argument and Aharon's Magical Staff

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