Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Origin Of The Sea

י״ב בסיון תש"ע
Mab 13

Last night I dreamt.

I walked to the bottom of the earth to the origin of sea. At the origin of the sea, there was no water, only dry ground. Nothing lived here - it was an empty place.

As I began walking up the earth, following the sea's line of evolution, a drop of water fell here and there onto the dry ground. Soon, the drops multiplied, turning the sea's line of evolution from a path spotted with an increasing amount of water drops into a small outflowing stream.

Then, the stream grew larger into a small sea. At this point, I was still walking easily in the sea as if it was a stream, even though it was actually a deep ocean.

As the sea grew larger, it flowed out mightily with great force. It had no living creatures in it yet.

As the force of the sea's flow grew, and as I came closer to the Place where human civilization and creatures existed (I could intuit their presence now over the far horizon), suddenly I became aware of a protective wall (like a tunnel inside the sea) safely separating me from direct contact with the roaring flowing force of the sea as it flowed out past me into existence. I noticed the wall on my left had a clear paned window running the length of the tunnel as I walked through which I could look and see the the sea as the waters of it sped past. At this point, no creature could survive in it - the force of its flow was too great. There were still no creatures in the sea.

I woke up.

The power in its flow was so incredibly amazing - I wish I could put into words the experience of it.

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