Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jump - The Ibbur And The Witch's Secret Tool

ט' באייר תש"ע
Annwyn 10

I received two comments today from Pandora. Pandora's first comment concerned an older entry, namely Sod Ha-Ibbur. Pandora wrote:

I as writing this as I am just now exploring the concept of ibbur... so I am a bit confused as to why you use the term sod ha-ibbur in the context of solar and lunar calenders, when sod ha-ibbur actually means secret (sod) of reincarnation/rebirth (ibbur).

Ibbur is when a righteous soul (tzaddik) comes into a body to help the existing soul on its path and help elevate that soul to a higher level.

This is in contrast to "gilgul" which is the reincarnation of a soul after a physical death, when a soul reincarnates/transmigrates in order to continue its elevation and correction process.

Ibbur helps an existing soul reach a higher level in its correction process without the need for a physical death to happen in between. It's a bit like a fast-track processing, or jumping to a higher level in a computer game by finding some secret tools!

As written within the context of the blogged entry, I answered her question:

The data suggest that there is advanced knowledge (sod ha-ibbur) embedded within these two particularly congruous ancient methods of timekeeping.

On my Content Credentials post, Pandora commented:

I see you use the quote "the best of women - is filled with witchcraft" as a strapline...

May I add that the full quote is in JT Kiddushin 4 (66c): "R. Simeon bar Yohai learned: "The best of heathens - kill him; the best of snakes - smash its skull; the best of women - is filled with witchcraft; praised be he who fulfills the will of the Place" (i.e., of God, who is omnipresent, or in every place at the same time).

The term "best" refers more to the "majority" of women, not that they were THE BEST! So, Shimeon bar Yochai was not necessarily singing the praises of women in this context.

Do also note Exodus 22:17 "You shall not suffer a witch to live", and there are other parts of the Tanach which are not happy with witches either.

While I appreciate Pandora's comment, I obviously do not hold by her point of view or interpretations of Hebrew. I don't think Ha-Ibbur does either given the immediate jump in my understanding - Beyond Holiness. I am not concerned that some are "not happy" with witches. I am happy being a witch and that counts.

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