Friday, March 31, 2006

Mystery Mark: Equal Measures

double kaf of the
copper scroll

equal measures
Sanhedrin 98a

Mispar Kidmi of my name ליאורה

1st reckoning
105 + 55 + 1000 + 21 + 795 + 15 = 1991
1991 = 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 20 = 2 + 0 = 2

2nd reckoning
105 + 55 + 1 + 21 + 795 + 15 = 992
992 = 9 + 9 + 2 = 20 = 2 + 0 = 2

Monday, March 06, 2006


vital, unique, cherished
darkly deep, deeply brilliant
without reason
in the heart of divine desire
pure passion
playing ktav cherut
like a mystic marbled key
scripting one solution
dropping honeyed letters
wonderfully crazy combinations
unfolding timelessly into time
some primordial order
a pivoting percolating complexity
reverberating secrets
like text through the void
a sweet tapestry of rapture
writing up the wall
unfolding one beautiful mess of chaos
exquisitely simple
through it
to it

Friday, March 03, 2006


לעתיד לבא
come, come
to pharaoh, I
have a secret
for you:
there's more
to me than meets
the eye


heart and soul and might
all of it, one instrument
off the edge
gripped within
simple strokes uncoiling
something essential, something true
crazy, insane
a serpent song, a scorpion tale
stringing through dark dark sounds
of a brilliant lovestory

catch it!


די Visions of The Night

first rhythms ever plunge, eternal hosts driven into life
drawing through a field of topographic brilliance
where judgment lovingly flows, churning out whole stones
resting against asymmetries trying, like diamonds in chaos
proto-perception foams, over annihilating operations
and from it, dark bursts of lucidity finely entwine
coarse grains of almost something, almost yet sufficient
the silent rush of yet nothing slides, wildly as percolating pivots
diligently thread through it, casting clarity
upon myriads, hard pauses startle into vision
projecting arrays without mass, strings of confluency
impressing discovery, a shadowy tail-end lingers
between depths of opposite observation
iterating embraces of many meanings like quasi-quanta
gathering functions about the head and, and
spinning spectra, pushing forward, yearning toward home
not knowing, yet only knowing
as some featureless reach edging edges stretches out
the magnetic sweet dance
where divisions collapse like crystal caves
softly sprinkling the belly of the night divine
with bytes of thoughtbare kisses
extending the glorious field of apprehension

this is only a test designed for talmidah chachamah,
no kings or false prophets need apply

differentiating classical, chaotic and quantum spacetime

visions at midnight

mending tears

woman with tefillin @ leonard nimoy photography

Thursday, March 02, 2006


neither dark nor light
the torah of night

woman hides
holy creative power

questions unspoken, who knows
yes and no

meaning, empty of meaning

a paradox
one whole inclination

pure flames
guard the gate to the demon dance

where lilith laughs
with absolute delight

a wild majesty
in holy motion

secrets rest
and no angel understands


One Inclination

the soul of a person can teach her ... the Baal Shem Tov

as outliers slow dance
down the night wind blowing
paradoxes divine
diligently some quantum chaos strings
ineffably through it, thoughtbare
broken hearts, pulsing with enduring brilliance
virtual companions, perfectly imperfect
struggling toward the source
with a fistful of interpretations
wrestling with expression
reverberating neither dark nor light
some holy madness extends apprehension
iterating conjugations
as inquiring minds walk on fire
two by two, in some language of the soul
holy offerings of experience
not keeping silent

Dare to be true to yourself.