Monday, August 16, 2010

Bechirah Chafshit - Free Will

ו' באלול תש"ע
Belz 8

Last night I dreamt.

There was a pack of vampires, each one hunting and eating the flesh of his or her assigned victim. One after another, each vampire succeeded in it's task, and having done so, it would return to the vampire den. Satiated, the group of vampires lounged in their den discussing together their "excellent meals" of human flesh. As each one discussed his or her "meal", each victim effigy from among the effigies of all assigned victims (which had been hung from the center point of the den's ceiling like a bunch of bananas) fell lifeless to the floor.

I was an assigned victim. It was night and I was being hunted by a vampiress. I sought refuge in my locked car. The vampiress couldn't get to me, so the others watching remotely from the den called to her to break the window glass.

Trying to break into the car but not breaking the glass, suddenly the vampiress stopped trying and backed off. I was now the vampiress watching me through the opposite side of the car's window. She just wasn't going to do this. She wasn't going to kill me and eat my human flesh as she had been designed to do. It was against the nature of a vampire to allow me to live, but she had a choice. Even vampires have a choice - and she chose not to kill me or eat my flesh. She decided it and let me go.

As the choice was complete, a flowing wall of black lava-like darkness came into view and engulfed the vampiress, returning her to her source, leaving me alive and not a victim.

I woke up.

Related entry - Dangerous Mind

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Dare to be true to yourself.