Sunday, January 13, 2008

Temperance & The River Of Sparks

ו' בשבט תשס"ח
Imbolgen 6

Last night (see Gateway), following my cord ritual and gift of blessing given reishit "with perfect love and perfect trust" (codewords of The Craft) to the elementals, nature spirits and faeries of the crossroads, I dreamt.

It was a perfectly temperate beautiful sunny day. I had moved into a beautiful big house filled with exquisite antiques made of dark wood with my "father". The big house sat at the edge of a peaceful community. A wide sparkling river ran beside it's northern side, shining like many diamonds. The waters of the Great River river flowed peacefully west to east. I went to bathe in the miraculously sparkling pure water in my dream this sixth day of Shevat/Imbolgen (days of the growth of messianic consciousness/days of reclamation).

The house of my father and I was held in awe by the people of the peaceful community. A woman approached me. She wanted to come and stay in the big house by the wide river of sparks with my father and I, to learn the mysteries.

The soul of a person can teach her ... the Baal Shem Tov, tzadik of the Hasidic Traditon

And ultimately, it is only in perfect love and perfect trust that we may abide by the Law ... Karl Lembke, witch of the StarKindler Tradition

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