Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Just Two Shabbatot

כ"ד בטבת תשס"ח
Grael 25

In my previous entry describing this morning's dream, Cleave Land, I wrote:

There were so many singing red birds that the songs and the birds themselves blurred into one sound and sight of indistinct red chaos, yet I concentrated (almost as if pulling myself inward together) to listen for a distinct message to come out from among them.

I focused.

The first mystical action of "concentrating to pull myself in" is related to an entry posted nearly 2 shabbatot ago, Mirror Magic, where I wrote:
A concave mirror is "where a parallel beam of light becomes a convergent beam, whose rays intersect in the focus of the mirror." (Wiki)

The second mystical action of further "focusing" is related to last shabbat's entry, Wisdom Casting Cloth, where I wrote:
The square of the cloth symbolizes the Middle World, ha'Emtsa.

The inner square (Midhe) is comprised of 7-7.2" lines and symbolizes focus or the powers of concentration, memory, recognition, and sensitivity to meaning.

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