Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Clean Water

DovBear writes (sarcastically):

Apparently, some US Senators drink water directly from the bottle and a Rabbi from (surprise) Brooklyn is convinced this means the end is nigh.

As you might expect, we agree with the Rabbi wholeheartedly. It is a sign of the deplorable moral decline of our nation that some senators no longer use paper dixie cups.
For those who bemoan the "lack of manners" of drinking water straight from the bottle, a biochemist/biologist's perspective:

Water stays cleaner in a resealable bottle than in a cup, as it can be recapped and closed against dust and dirt flying through the air. It's the same principle as why biologists turn bottle caps inside down to set them upon a sterile surface when working with reagents under a laminar flow hood - to keep germs from settling down on the inner surface.

Kol Torah - heket, and the plague of frogs

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

First let me say that I love Craftwork of a Jewitch and have returned to it regularly over the years since I first stumbled onto it. I find it numinous and beautiful and am very grateful for the beauty you bring to witchcraft.

As regards clean water and plastic bottles, I ask you to please google "plastic free ocean" & "albatross plastic death, midway atoll" along with sites for "nurdles", and the "great pacific garbage dump" or the "gyre". The rabbi is correct about moral fiber and the lack of it in use of plastic bottles. I heard a bad joke that goes "a clerk at the checkout line asks a woman if she'd prefer paper or plastic, and she ponders in turn whether she'd rather kill a tree or strangle a bird." Until recent greenwashing campaignes wherein corporations have cut back on the amount of plastic used to produce disposable water bottles such bottles cost about 3.5 gallons of oil a piece to produce. One site I checked out claimed that it costs 25 gallons of water to produce a gallon of gasoline. We know it costs water to refine oil used in plastics production as well. I don't know the math here but it seems safe to say that we are spending at least 2 gallons of public water to produce a quart of bottled water, and it may be closer to 75 gals water to a quart of water. If we note the fact that frequently the water sold in stores is appropriated from and depleting the water stores of indigenous peoples (google greenwashing Fiji water) we have a very great moral and practical problem. The devastation to sea and riverine life from our use of disposable plastic packaging is grievous to say the least. My hope is that as witches we can turn our mind and soul powers to healing the seas of the harm we have not been innocent of inflicting. I don't mean to harangue and hope I haven't sounded like a harpie when my intention has simply been to point to the creatures that need our help. Please feel free to email me if you'd like to brainstorm ideas or share resources for weaning ourselves off of our disposable market. (I'm personally finding it a tough go.)

Blessed be,

Danielle Brown.

Dare to be true to yourself.