Saturday, June 17, 2006

Chasdei David Hane'emanim

Two dreams. First one. ע

Simply, my father's sister's husband (Abba Ila'ah, Tevunah and Yisrael Sabbah) is a hidden Jew (Arich Anpin). His hidden goodwill has somehow been a protective force (Ze'ir Anpin) for me to this point (Nukvah D'Ze'ir Anpin). I think he is a tzadik nistar whose time for hiddenness is no longer necessary, otherwise I would not have had the dream.

I am overwhelmingly grateful and my heart overflows with compassion (chasdei David hane'emanim).

ע Tikkunei Zohar 66 (98a):

This is the mystery of unification (yichud, יחוד). The individual who is worthy of the World To Come (לעתיד לבא) must unify the name of the Blessed Holy One. S/he must unify the upper and lower levels and limbs1, uniting them all and bringing them all to the necessary place where the knot can be bound.

This is the mystery of "hear O Israel, Hashem is our G-d, Hashem is One". The mystery of "hear" (shema, שמע) is the "Name" (shem, שם) which becomes seventy (ayin, ע) names.

This is the unifying category Israel. It is called the Elder Israel (Yisrael Sabbah), since there is also a lesser [Israel]. Regarding [the latter] it is written, "Israel is a child1 and I will love him" (Hosea 11:1). But [the one] alluded to in "shema Yisrael" is Yisrael Sabbah, the Elder Israel.

[Yisrael Sabbah is] a single mystery and a single unifying category. "Hear O Israel" thus includes the [supernal archetype] female and her husband.

1 see next entry on pidyon habenot, the sixth Noahide law and healing neshamot

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